What is the cancellation policy for my trip?
MyFitTrip.com has 6 different booking policies, of which each is attached to a different payment scheme. It is up to our partners to choose which policy is applicable to each listing. Each policy is triggering a fully automated payment and cancellation flow. For a detailed overview, please have a look at https://myfittrip.com/nl/cancellation-policy
Can I pay in cash or via bank tranfser?
For now, MyFitTrip.com only supports payments via credit cards, however we are working hard on adding more payment options. All included items of your trip will be paid for via the MyFitTrip.com platform using our integration with Stripe. Each (partial) payment is directly transferred to the partner you booked with. Some partners allow for cash payments for any additional services and goods you are buying from them when you are at the location.
How do I cancel or amend my booking?
You can cancel your booking by sending us an email. Please be aware that if you had already paid a part of in full for your trip, this money cannot be refunded without the approval of the partner you booked with.
The trip I am looking for is no longer bookable, what can I do?
All our partners will automatically allow for booking requests as soon as the availability drops to 0. The partner then has 24 hours to confirm or reject your booking request.