Why join My Fit Trip?

Join the first international marketplace dedicated to adventure sports & sell your activities on our website to attract new customers.

Sign up for free
Only pay a commission when you get a booking, we make money when you get paid.
Increase your bookings
Reach thousands of new customers looking for booking activities and increase revenue.
Sell worldwide
Get international visibility and sell to customers from all around the world.
Promote your brand
We display your company name and logo to help reinforce online visibility.
Fill empty slots
Get customers all year long, even during low seasons.
Reduce no-shows
Don't worry anymore about last minute cancellations, we protect you if a client never shows up.

How does it work?

Flexible contract
You can stop and start working with us whenever you want.
You only pay for guaranteed/paid bookings.
Easy to manage
your bookings with our inline extranet.
It's our aim to translate all content in all languages based on our demand.
+31 6 41212655